Sunday, December 22, 2013

Former NHL defender Georges Laraque's brain under the microscope

No fighter had never dared to submit his brain to further investigation and submit the results to the public. Those who know the personality and daring Georges Laraque will not be surprised that he agreed to act as a guinea pig at the request of La Presse .

He said he decided to experiment by viewing the documentary Brawler Inc. in which the former hockey André Roy refuses to do so. "I wanted to prove that I could be the exception that proves the rule, and a fighter who has not received a lot of hits and leads a healthy life outside of the ice can get by. "

Press has made ​​an appointment with the former tough Canadian hospital of the Sacred Heart with the neuropsychologist Louis De Beaumont, global specialist in long-term effects of concussions. "If I had been the legacy of my fights, I would have been nervous, but I'm sure to get good results and have a brain in good condition because I never suffered concussions in 120 battles . I never received any blows that made ​​me fall or lose memory, "he says.

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