Friday, November 8, 2013

Haitian leader of USW 8751 defends fired union brothers

The following letter is a rebuttal to an Oct. 9 public attack against the Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Steelworkers 8751 by Marie St-Fleur, an aide to lame duck Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and a former Massachusetts State Representative. Andre Francois is Local 8751 recording secretary and one of the School Bus Union 5, suspended by union-busting corporation Veolia.

To Marie St-Fleur:

Please be advised that you owe us, the Haitians [Boston Public Schools] bus drivers and monitors, an apology for the disrespect and the attacks on our leaders on national TV and in the newspapers. Let me first define your blatant disrespect: your message to us, spoken in English and in Haitian Creole, suggests that we don’t speak or understand English and as far as your racist remarks and ill-advised attack on both of our leaders Steve Kirschbaum and Steve Gillis, I want you and the rest of the right-wing bigots to know that these two guys who happen to be white — which you referenced in your message — have done far more for the Haitian community than you, the Mayor, and the governor put together.

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