Saturday, August 10, 2013

Video: 'Haiti Today: Violence or Peace? (2006)' Trailer

Director: Mario L. Delatour // Amistad Films

In this 52 minute documentary the filmmaker gives voice to a wide variety of people from youngsters in Cité Soleil to members of the elite in an attempt to understand the underlying reasons for the continuous cycle of violence in Haiti. Opinions are freely expressed in a film where kidnap victims and perpetrators share their personal pain and aspirations for a violent free society. The social inequalities of Haiti are raw in this film. Shot in 2006 when kidnappings were rampant in Port au Prince, the film makes a strong case for greater tolerance, understanding and the need for dialogue.

Haiti today: Violence or Peace? Is narrated in Creole and subtitled in English. It was produced by the Bureau of Public Affairs of the US Embassy in Port au Prince Haiti in collaboration with Amistad Films in 2006.

Festivals and presentations:
Haiti today: Violence or Peace? This documentary was show continuously on 6 local television stations in Port au Prince Haiti during the month of June 2006. The film was also screened at Fokal and the US Embassy in Port au Prince, Haiti 2006.

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