Sunday, March 14, 2010

EVENT:Haitian Artists Present a Rebirth of Haiti Through Art (NJ)

By Summit Medical Group

"Hope Springs Eternal: A Rebirth of Haiti Through Art," an art exhibit and reception opens Fri., April 16, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Summit Medical Group, 1 Diamond Hill Road, Berkeley Heights, NJ. The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public.

The multi-dimensional fundraiser features paintings by Haitian-born artists now living in the U.S. There will also be music, poetry and inspirational readings. Additionally, Summit Medical Group’s Chief Medical Office, Robert W. Brenner, M.D., will speak about his recent medical relief visit to Haiti on behalf of The COTY Project. A portion of the proceeds will be donated for Haitian relief through the LANBI Center for Humanities and Civics, Inc. LANBI is a non-profit organization dedicated to the enhancement and development of the Haitian community.

The artists exhibiting their work include:

Jean-Philippe Blaise was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and is a relatively new artist. Blaise has been painting steadily since 2000 and has participated in numerous art expositions in the New York City metropolitan area.

Jean Richard Coachy was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Coachy studied art at the Calfou Club, Coop Artist and under Haitian master, Petion Savain. Coachy is also a respected art instructor in Haiti and in the United States and has participated in numerous exhibits in the United States, Europe and Haiti. Coachy’s paintings have also appeared in Jonathan Demme’s book, Island of Fire, and John Allen Franciscus’ book Haiti Voodoo Kingdom to Modern Riviera.

Jean Claude Dominique was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He graduated from The Pratt Institute, with BA. in Fine Arts. Dominique has exhibited his work throughout the U.S., including Durham Performing Art Center (North Carolina); National Black McDonald Owners Association (Indianapolis, IN); Parklane (Chatham, NJ); Oscar Schindler Performing Art Center, (West Orange, NJ); Boxheart Gallery (Pittsburgh, PA); The Center of Hope Haiti (New York, NY).

Jean-Marie Eliscard was born in Cayes, Haiti. Eliscard studied art at the Academie Des Beaux Arts in Port-au-Prince and trained with some of the great masters in Haitian art: Raoul Dupoux, Jean-Rene Jerome, Rose-Marie Desruisseau, and Simil. Eliscard has participated in various art shows in Haiti, Canada and the United States and has received numerous awards at these shows.

Jerry MC Georges was born in St. Marc, Haiti. Georges is a traditional landscape and portrait artist, committed to helping the non-profit community. Christie’s Auction House sold a Georges painting for the Greenwich Country Day School.

Francisco Gervais was born in Gros-Morne, Haiti. In the early 1980s, Gervais learned the fundamental principles of painting while working with the prominent impressionist artist, Ernst Louizor. He has studied under Haitian art masters such as Dieudonné Louizor, Richard Barbot and art historian Michel-Philippe Lerebours.

Eric Girault was born in Jeremie, Haiti. Girault studied at the Brochette Studio School of Art. While at Brochette, Girault met the artists, Lazard, TiGa and Cedor, who became his best friends. Girault, along with his best friends, became four of Haiti’s most prominent artists. His works are included in the collections of Aristotle Onassis, Nelson Rockefeller and the former president of France, Valery Giscard D’Estaing.

Marino Jean-Louis was in raised Port-au-Prince. His inspiration for his painting stems from meditation, spirituality, women, philosophy and a desire for peace. Jean-Louis’ work has been displayed in New York City’s City Hall building on several occasions.

Darly Raphaël was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Raphael studied art at Haiti’s National Art School under Michel Prudent. Her inspiration comes from the everyday life experience, and political events. Darly’s artisitic vision is focused on the black culture and the legacy of the Haitian spirituality from generation to generation.

Joseph Thony "TiTonton" Moïse was born in Haiti. He studied art under Dewitt Peters at the Centre d’Art in Port-au-Prince. There, he met and studied with Normil, Lazare, Obas, and other great Haitian artists. Moise is best known for his painting "Dechoukaj" which means "Uprooting." "Dechoukaj" depicts the jubilation of the Haitian people at the end of the Duvalier regime in 1986. He has participated in numerous art expositions in Haiti, the United States, Canada and other countries.

Source: SoccerWay

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