Sunday, December 15, 2013

Samasource receives $2 Million Google Global Impact Award for technology training in Haiti

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Samasource today announced that it has been granted a $2 million Google Global Impact Award. This funding will be used to create technology-enabled jobs for thousands of youth and women globally, to enhance Samasource's robust technology platform, the SamaHub, and to support expansion of the organization's microwork model by licensing and scaling Samasource's proven approach to poverty alleviation.

"We are grateful to receive this investment from such a forward thinking and leading organization as Google," said Leila Janah, founder & CEO of Samasource. "Being able to benefit from Google's engineering support enables us to effectively and efficiently serve more marginalized women and youth than ever before while also delivering high quality, affordable services to our clients. With this generous support, we will dramatically change the lives of thousands of poor women and youth by providing them with what they want most: fairly-paid work."

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