Thursday, November 7, 2013

'Toussaint L'Ouverture' starring Jimmy Jean-Louis to premiere in Germany

On Sunday 24 Novembre 2013 at 17h00 AfricAvenir invites you to the German Premiere of the fiction film « Toussaint Louverture » by french-senegalese director Philippe Niang, the long overdue first fiction ever made about the man who, born into slavery, became a General in the French army and even defied Napoleon’s power by making his homeland, Haïti, the first independent Black State in the world, an abolitionist and anti-colonialist State. In three hours, director Philippe Niang draws a breathtaking historical epic which perfectly translates the complex personality of the hero of Haitian independence and of the liberation of Black peoples.

“Director Philip Niang craftfully weaves the dynamic story of this emblematic and universal hero in a comprehensive, two-part drama, keeping you on the edge of your seat (...) This is a must-see for people of all origins.” Suzanne Gregoire, The Sentinel

This three-hour screening will be opened by the Chargé d´Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti, Monsieur Patrick Saint-Hilaire. Due to the length of the film, it will be separated into two parts by a brief intermission and followed by a discussion with director Philippe Niang and the producers France Zobda & Jean-Lou Monthieux as well as by a small reception. The film is screened in French and Haitian Creole with English subtitles.

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