Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jamaicans say goodbye to a Haitian brother

Scores of persons turned out yesterday to pay last respects to honorary consul of the Republic of Haiti, Yvon Thomas Desulme, who was laid to rest following a service at the Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church in St Andrew.

In her tribute, his widow, Cynthia, remembered his commitment to his family.

"When persons ask me how long I've been married, I say, 'Forever', because we were always together. He was true to our marriage, my children and the people, and so I say, 'Rest in peace, my soldier'."

Former Prime Minister P.J. Patterson spoke of Desulme's service to his people.

"A farewell ceremony is hardly a happy ceremony, but we who are gathered here are delighted to have known him.

It's not how you die, but it's how you live, and Yvon lived an exemplary life, one which he devoted to his family and the people," said Patterson.

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