Tuesday, May 11, 2010

UN’s Haiti Recovery Budget Wasted Mostly on UN Operatives’ Paychecks

By Warner Todd Huston

Sea Voyager, one of two lavish cruise ships which houses U.N.'s World Food Program relief workers in Haiti, cost of leasing the ships: $112,500 a day.

In another perfect example of why the United Nations is a complete waste of time and should be eliminated as useless, news has emerged that the UN’s $732.4 million Haitian relief budget is being wasted mostly on paychecks for UN personnel instead of going to actually help anyone in earthquake ravaged Haiti.

According to reports, two-thirds of the $732.4 million budget is going to pay for the “salary, perks and upkeep of its own personnel” instead of earthquake victims.

Some $495.8 million goes for salaries, benefits, hazard pay, mandatory R&R allowances and upkeep for the soldiers and their international staff support. Only about $33.9 million, or 4.6 percent, of that salary total is going to what the U.N. calls “national staff” attached to the peacekeeping effort.

Even more ridiculously, this reported amount will only cover the UN’s effort through the end of June after which the UN will pump even more cash into the effort. Remember, folks, this is your tax money going to waste.

This is a piece with the high farce that is the United Nations. It isn’t just the complete waste of money that the UN represents but the complete abdication of any morality that it wallows in. After all, what could be more absurd than putting one of the most oppressive governments on earth on a women’s rights panel as the UN did with venal, woman-hating Iran! Even the weak-willed Canadians had to protest that move.

But, why shouldn’t the murderous Iranians get a seat on a panel devoted to human rights? If the UN can put the treacherous Zimbabweans, and the oppressive Saudis and vicious Syrians on what is supposed to be a panel that works to promulgate the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, why can’t the monstrous Mullahs sit beside their evil brethren?

And what do the purported democratic nations say about this putrid state of affairs? Why they praise the fetid UN and whistle past the graveyards filled with the victims of the very despots with whom they share space at the UN building.

It really is a cosmic joke, the UN. The ultimate in human hypocrisy.

The fact is the UN offers nothing to this world. It should be disbanded now.

Source: CanadaFreePress

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