Monday, September 22, 2008

PICTURE: Google Phone Pictures Leaked!

It looks like the HTC’s Google Android-powered Dream phone has been spotted.
One of my super secret spies at Google just happened to trade contact information with someone who admitted that the phone in his hand was the fabled Dream.

It says that the the official release date of the Android-powered T-Mobile Dream is on the 23 of this month.

Most of the details of the plans and specs are publicly available in various spots around the blogosphere, as are some leaked photos, but it would appear that there are a few of these roaming the wild and in regular use, as the fellow in question appeared to be his primary phone.

On the larger image, zooming in shows a bit of a peak at the interface, but from what I can tell it isn't significantly different from screenshots I've seen elsewhere.

Who's excited to grab one of these? At a price point fabled to be under $200, I know I am.

Source: ThisIs50.Com - Utterli.Com

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