Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Haiti After The Hurricanes: The Politics Of An Unnatural Disaster

7pm Tuesday, September 30
SCPA building, 2149 Mackay Street
(between Sherbrooke and de Maisonneuve)
Métro Guy-Concordia

Why has Haiti been so hard hit by the recent hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and
Ike? What role did ecological degradation play in the crisis? What has
been the impact of Non-Governmental Organizations? Do they have a role to
play in avoiding future crises, or are they part of the problem?

Invited speakers:
• Yves Engler, author and Haiti Action Montreal activist
• A representative of Partners in Health, a health organization doing
hurricane relief work in Haiti (TBC)
• Plus video footage of the devastation in Gonaives

Dr. Paul Farmer, of the renouned organization Partners in Health,
observed after the hurricanes hit that the devastation is intimately
connected to the political intereference of Canada, the U.S. and France:
“I think we’re seeing the results in terms of a weak and hollowed-out
public sector. Between [the Canada-backed coup d'État of] 2004 and now,
we’re seeing the results of that. There are plenty of Haitians of good
will who are helping their neighbors and citizens of their country, but
without an infrastructure and without a stable government, it’s very
difficult to build up this capacity. And so, in my view and the view of
many Haitians, letting democracy flourish in Haiti is really part of the
recipe for avoiding future disasters. We have to stop destabilizing
democracy, and any other country that’s doing that also needs to stop.”

The “hollowing out” of the Haitian state has been a direct consequence of
neoliberal economic policies that Canada continues to impose on Haiti
through violence and occupation. Since 2005, Haiti Action Montreal has
fought for the respect of Haiti’s democracy and sovereignty, in
solidarity with Haiti’s popular movements.

For more information:

E-mail: haitiactionmontreal@gmail.com
Call: 514.618.2253

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