Saturday, September 20, 2008

Donors Unresponsive To Needs Of Haiti's Disaster Victims - UN

New York - The United Nations said Friday it received only 2 per cent of the 108 million dollars it sought a month ago to provide relief assistance to Haiti, which was hard hit by consecutive hurricanes and tropical storms. The UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (OCHA) said the situation in Haiti remains "very serious" as half of the flash appeal was to provide emergency food aid to the more than 200,000 people affected by the disasters.

The UN Children's Fund said its goodwill ambassador, Mia Farrow, was in Haiti until next week to assess the damage and needs of the population.

The UN said Farrow was touring the island nation with UNICEF workers, particularly hard hit cities like Gonaives and Cite Soleil, a suburb of the capital Port-au-Prince.

Tens of thousands of people there need emergency food aid, the UN said.

The World Food Programme estimated a total of 298,000 Haitians are in need of emergency food aid.

More than 300 Haitians were killed by the succession of hurricane disaster since last month, while vast areas were flooded and tens of thousands made homeless.

Source: EarthTimes.Org

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