Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Airlift Of Supplies From Naples To Haiti Sent Monday

Naples-based Hope for Haiti has received authorization from the Haitian government for the airlift delivery of 1,000 pounds of first aid supplies, medication and food to the hurricane ravaged Les Cayes district in southern Haiti.

A plane owned and piloted by Naples real estate broker William Earls is scheduled to depart the Naples Airport on Monday, Sept. 22, at 6:00 a.m. The Order of Malta – American Association is underwriting the cost of the airlift.

“Late Thursday afternoon, we received authorization from the Haitian government for Bill Earls to land in Port-au-Prince and to then proceed to Les Cayes without boarding or inspection by Haitian Customs officials,” said Hope for Haiti Executive Director Dorothy Pullen.

“This authorization was an important piece to have in place as Bill plans to airlift the supplies to Les Cayes and to return to Naples on the same day. We are excited and grateful to know the airlift is moving forward and that these supplies will finally make their way to the people of southern Haiti.”

The agency is continuing to accept donations for its “Survival Buckets” that are intended to assist Haitian families as they try to meet basic needs.

With the help of the Rotary of Naples and Catholic Relief Services, the agency has been accepting donations since Sept. 8. Each 5-gallon Survival Bucket contains emergency relief supplies, including blankets, personal sanitation kits, candles, matches, water purification tablets, and dry meals.

All emergency supplies have been purchased locally in Les Cayes and assembled by the Hope for Haiti staff and local Haitian volunteers. The buckets are being distributed to emergency shelters in Les Cayes as quickly as they can be assembled.

More than $30,000 has been raised to provide Survival Buckets to more than 3,000 people. Donations of any amount for Survival Buckets can be made by sending a check to Hope for Haiti at 1042 6th Avenue North, Naples, FL 34102. Write “Hurricane Relief” on the memo line of their check.

Donations may also be made via the Hope for Haiti Web site at One hundred percent of the monies donated will go directly to hurricane disaster relief in Haiti.

In addition, a truck with $300,000 worth of supplies left Naples on Thursday morning for Miami. The supplies, donated by Medical Assistance Program International, will be loaded onto a container ship bound for Port-au-Prince and then transported to Les Cayes. The truck was loaned to Hope for Haiti by American Farms in Naples.

Source: News-Press.Com

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