Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Daniel “Haitian Sensation” Edouard Defeats Late Replacement Francisco Osario In Round One to Stoppage

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Palm Beach Gardens, FL – September 20, 2008-Daniel Haitian Sensation Edouard 18-2-2(10 KO’s) came off the canvas late in round one to stop late replacement Francisco “Flash” Osario 12-4 (10 KO’s) of Miami as Event-Co hosted another spectacular action packed show at the PGA National Spa and Resort in Palm Beach Gardens Florida.

The Budweiser ring card girls got the crowd in an early uproar and set the tone for a night which hosted several exciting competitive boxing matches including a wild, knockdown filled main event which featured the current NABA and WBA Caribbean middleweight Champion, and local favorite Edouard.

The Main event provided many fireworks as comeback fighter and local hero Daniel “Haitian Sensation” Edouard 18-2-2(10 KO’s ) came off the canvas in round one to stop late replacement Colombian fighter Francisco “Flash” Osario 12-4 (10 KO’s) from Miami at the end of the first round.

Edouard the West Palm Beach fighter by way of Jersey City New Jersey knocked Osario down twice before being floored by a crushing straight left hand from the southpaw Osario. This is the first time in Edouard’s great career he ever hit the canvas. The fight started as Edouard stalked his south paw opponent, a straight right down the pipe put Osario back a step. Then the straight-power-hand-knock-down party started. Edouard easily and often beat Osario to the punch with hard meaningful punches. The first knockdown twisted Osario’s body around in almost cartoonish 360 like fashion. The second one crumbled him like a puppet with just cut strings. It was looking as if Osario was well over matched when he caught the West Palm Beach fighter right on the button and sent him to the floor….. for the first time….. ever!

Referee Frank Gentile counted as Edouard rose slowly to his feet. It was unclear if he was able to continue he looked hurt, but gave Frank the nod. Osario came in after the eight count throwing hard body punches trying to finish the Haitian Sensation. Then out of no where Edouard fired a devastating right hand that put Osario to the canvas for the third time as the bell rang. Most people in the crowd, including Osario’s corner thought the round was over and was preparing to corner their beaten up fighter. Meanwhile Gentile was collecting the scorecards correctly calling the fight due to the 3 knockdown rule. Osario instantly started to appeal Gentile but it was another great call by the veteran referee. The fight officially went in the books as a TKO and 3:00 of round 1. I spoke with the current NABA and WBA Caribbean middleweight Champion Edouard after the fight and he plans to get right back in the gym Monday and start looking for his next fight on his road back to a World Championship.

The main event concluded an action packed and great evening of boxing in beautiful South Florida…..and tonight, the story was written inside the ropes!

The exciting card got started with two fighters making their debut. Tyrone Dicks from Miami squared off against Isaiah Thomas, from the famed Kronk gym in Detroit. The southpaw Thomas came right out at the bell and set the tone with hard straight left hand as an introduction that put Dicks back on his feet. Thomas landed another hard let followed by a hard right hook, this all within the first 15 seconds. Thomas walked Dicks into a corner with accurate and hard punches. Dicks had nothing for the Detroit fighter. Thomas then landed another right hook followed by a devastating left hook that floored Dicks officially at :50 seconds of the first round. Dicks was out before his head crashed to the canvas. Dick’s lay motionless for several minutes while a concerned and professional Thomas waited in a neutral corner. Mr. Dicks was deemed ok by the ring side physicians, stating he was stable and breathing on his own. For precautionary reasons Dicks was taken to a local hospital for further review. A very sportsmanlike Thomas made a point to wish Dicks well on his way out. Thomas started his pro career in impressive fashion.

The second fight featured welterweight Omar Brown making his pro debut from West Palm Beach, FL, facing hard hitting perfect fighter Elliot Alvarado 3-0 (3 KO’s) from Hollywood, FL. This was Alvarado’s first fight in 17 months. This fight started off with a bang with Brown coming out throwing hard punches landing several straight right hands and left hooks. Overwhelmed, Alvarado was floored with a straight right midway in the first round.

The second round started with great action as both fighters came out banging. Brown used good boxing and held off Alvarado with a series of good ole 1-2’s as the crowd cheered the local favorite. Brown landed several hard right hands and great combination’s on glassy eyed Alvarado’s chin along the way to a unanimous decision. Brown won his first pro fight with all judges seeing the fight 40-35. Brown looked good often forcing Alvarado into a corner blasting him with a barrage of hooks and straight rights.

The third fight had Vero Beach Fighter Aaron Chavez 1-0 facing Danny Calafell 0-3 of Miami. Chavez impressed with very polished boxing skills and outworked and outclassed the 24 year old Calafell all 4 rounds. From the opening bell Chavez came out boxing and moving very well landing pin point punches and excellent combination’s. Throughout the early part of the fight referee Sam Burgos had to tell Calafell to quit his verbal taunting several times early in the fight. Late in the fight Calafell kept his hands up and his mouth shut and chased a very good out-boxing Chavez who picked up the pace landing more and more accurate punches frustrating a game Calafell. Both fighters fought hard while Chavez superior skills and boxing proved too be too much for the hard hitting Calafell. Chaves won a unanimous decision with all three judges seeing the fight 40-35.

For the fourth bout local heavyweight Dieuty “Untamed Beast” Ariistilde 2-1 of Boynton Beach “Untamed Beast” came in great shape and ready to fight Jamaican fighter Leon Palmer-0-2. Palmer did not posses the body of a fighter, but had the heart of one. The first round had both fighters circling until a left hook by Dieuty knocked Palmer into the corner. Ariistilde controlled the fight with hard and heavy punches. Both fighters clinched several times while the Jamaican was too slow to match the Beasts speed and power. The fourth round The “Untamed Beast” may have lived up to his moniker a bit when he clocked Palmer while waiting for the touch of gloves for the final round. Ariistilde got 1 point deducted for the unsportsmanlike conduct and within seconds of fighting Palmer finally got 1 point deducted for holding. The fourth round heated up while Ariistilde trapped Palmer in the Corner and blasted him with a barrage of heavy handed punches. The crowd acknowledged the great action by chanting “Dieuty” “Dieuty”. All three judges saw the fight 39-35 as the Untamed Beast earned his third win as a pro in a very entertaining fight.

Fight five produced fireworks and a bid for the fight of the night.

John Cobb 1-2 Vero Beach faced a very crowd supported Erik “The Viking” Leander Boca Raton – 3-0 (3KO’s) came to the ring in full Viking gear horns, fur coat and all. The Viking came right out running straight across the ring to meet the 38 year old out of Vero Beach. The Viking blasted Cobb with heavy amateur like rounding punches. As the two got off on each other many times. Leander blasted old fighter with bar room like punches throughout the round. As the second round started with a low blow to Cobb and the round was much more of the same with the Viking throwing hay makers. Towards the end of the round Cobb started timing Leander and connecting a few times knocking the bigger man off balance. The third round Leander came out boxing and throwing straight punches but that did not last long as they went back to the ball room brawling style of wide heavy punches in which the crowd showed great appreciation for. Cobb started landing more and more punches while the two where swinging for the fences. This round was very exciting as both fighters fought very hard and landing heavy thunderous punches punches. Cobb came on really strong at the end of the round with bruising punches that left the Vikings eyes bruised and bloodied. Round 4 was much of the same and MORE! Both fighters coming out of their corners to win. This round had it all, heavy punches, mouth pieces and blood flying everywhere for 3 minutes, the crowed loved it! While the Viking won an Unanimous Decision with the scorecards reading 40-36 40-35 39-37, Cobb won respect of many fans as well as made his opponent look like he got hit in the face with a shovel. Great Fight!

Fight 6 had a hard act to follow…Jerome Ellis, a Bahamian fighter out of Coconut Creek Florida with a record of 11-8-2 (10 KO’s) faced Antwone “The Truth” Smith from Miami with a excellent record of 12-1 (8 KO’s) a hot fighter who has knocked out his last 3 opponents including late Main event fill in fighter Francisco Osorio in May.

Both fighters fought very well in a chess match of sorts. The First round was a feeling out process by both fighters. By the second round Smith started putting his punches together landing a hard right against the ropes followed by accurate pin point striking. Ellis landed a nice uppercut midway through the round which found a home and Smith answered with some chin music of his own. Throughout the beginning of the fight Smith was finding his spot with great countering punches that had Ellis on his bicycle. In Round 3 Smith landed a great left uppercut straight right that momentarily hurt Ellis. Ellis fought back with some great body shots and an excellent left hook. However Smith at this point had Ellis figured out and is continued to break down the Bahamian fighter with heavy punches.

Ellis came out like a tiger in the 4th round landing heavier punches and forcing Smith into his own corner. The Truth fought out of the corner and landed a beautiful overhand right hand counter that made the crowd go “oohhhwwwww”. Both fighters had a great volley of in fighting midway through the round with some heavy bladder busting body shots by both fighters. The paced slowed just a bit with the round ending with Smith chasing a still game Ellis.

Round 5 both well conditioned fighters continued the cat and mouse chess match with Ellis trying to get off first and Smith timing countering rights mixed with an occasional jab. Midway through the round Ellis landed a hard right that stunned Smith and followed up with a hard upper cut. Ellis is did a nice job out fighting and finally landing a big left hook that wobbled Smith at the end of the round, the bell rung and Smith did the woozy dance back to the corner.

Round 6 Smith came out with clear eyes and the boxers exchanged jabs with Ellis landing an occasional big right, and Smith landing 3 punch combos. To the end of the fight the two pugilists produced much of the same until the middle of the 7th round where Smith caught Ellis in the corner. Ellis avoided many punches but started catching more and more hard shots.

The 8th and final round started with a big Overhand right from Smith that startled Ellis, but the Bahamian fighter kept coming and reaching for big overhand rights leaving himself off balance and open for Smiths well timed counter punching. The final 10 seconds of the round showed the most action with both fighters bidding for the judges score.

This was another great fight with Antwone Smith Winning a close hard fought decision. The judges score cards read 76-76 77-75 77-75

Light Welterweight Clayvonne “Bad Boy” Howard from North Palm Beach, FL made his pro Debut in dynamite fashion in fight 7 when he got it on with Brandon Reid Avebook 0-2 of Dracut Mass.

Just after the opening bell, Reid got off an early left hook that knocked the Bad Boy back and followed up with great boxing and punches. In the first round Reid moved like a well trained boxer with good head movement and outscored and tagged Howard several times.

Round 2 Averbrook continued to out box the young Howard landing several punches the “Bad Boys” head. The round ended with Howard landing a straight right, but a little too late to help win the round.

Round 3 Averbrook landed a nice left hook and Howard answered with a great straight right turning the tide and mixing it up against the ropes while both fighters starting wailing away at each other. The pace slowed again as the two went back to boxing before Howard caught the Mass fighter against the ropes with a picture perfect straight right to the chin that floored him. Reid was up by the count of 7 but on queer street as referee Sam Burgos waived off the fight 1:25 second into the third round. A fight in which Reid was winning, Howard dug deep and found that winners punch that sent Reid packing.

Source: FightKings.Com - 15Rounds.Com

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