Monday, December 23, 2013

Severiano de Heredia, First Black Mayor of Paris and current racial prejudice in the West

After the death of apartheid and that of his killer, Nelson Mandela, racism reborn in West and in Israel!

Today the socio-economic crisis brought down politicians in racial prejudices of another age, vis-à -vis of Blacks. In Italy and France, the Congolese Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, Minister for Integration and her sister Guyana, Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira-Delannon, have been being treated of macaque and orang-outan. Pure scapegoats of a decadent society that lead to grow up in history, these ladies chosen from the best politicians of the moment. In Switzerland, bananas are thrown to the first Black National Councilor (M.P.) of Angolan origin, Richard Lumengo. In Sweden, they treated Ms. Nyamko Sabuni, of Congolese origin, the first woman Minister for Integration and Equality of genres (2004-2006) of Islamophobic. Mrs. Rotimi Adebari, Irish of Nigerian origin elected in 2007, the mayor of an Irish town of 15,000 inhabitants, which advocates "Respect the difference" is judged by her roots and color. Ms. Manuela Ramin-Osmundsen, of Martinican origin, first Black woman Minister of of family and gender (2007-2008) in Labour Government of Norway lead by Jens Stoltenberg, who suffered serious racist attacks before being pushed to resignation for "loyalty to France ", etc ...

Blood of an Ethiopian Jewish MP refused !

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