Friday, October 4, 2013

Thousands of Aristide supporters march in Haiti to mark anniversary of ex-president's U.S. backed Coup in 1991

Several thousand supporters of the former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide have demonstrated against the current president in the capital Port au Prince.

A similar demonstration was held in Haiti’s second city Cap Haitien.

The demonstrators warned President Michel Martelly not to persecute Aristide, who returned from a self-imposed seven-year exile in 2011, and who in May was called as a witness to give evidence in the case of a journalist murdered in 2000.

Police eventually used tear gas and fired in the air when the crowd in the capital tried to get close to the presidential palace, and the army was called in to restore order, guided by the police and members of the UN’s Haitian stabilisation force Minustah.

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