The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, visited the Caribbean country this week and met with his counterpart Michel Martelly. Jointly announced the deepening of the actions that are carried out with Petrocaribe funds for the reconstruction of infrastructure and social services in Haiti.
On Tuesday the 25th, in the afternoon, President Nicolas Maduro arrived in Port au Prince, Haiti's capital. The two leaders held meetings aimed to analyze the works and actions being undertaken with Petrocaribe funds to rebuild infrastructure and social services in the island. Martelly As reported, these funds represent 94% of the investment budget of Haiti to maintain and encourage their development plans on roads, health, education, infrastructure and housing. One example is the 800 miles of routes that are being built and 3000 decent homes already completed.
Maduro said that "Venezuela will continue to play their role as liberating and unifying a continent that engine will be great and will have a people living in prosperity. Our people, all must be equated to go through the levels of life, education, health, culture, prosperous villages have to be living in the real, participatory democracy and popular protagonist. " Deeply concerned and moved by the social situation in the island, Maduro announced Petrocaribe ue propose the implementation of special plans literacy, nutrition and other social programs that contribute to the Latin American and Caribbean overcome hunger. In the VIII Summit of Petrocaribe, which begins today, will mature this and other proposals for actions Petrocaribe deepen social and humanitarian cooperation in the Caribbean countries, transcending the boundaries of a mere energy and economic deal and established as "a shield antimiseria ". Founded in 2005, Petrocaribe currently includes 18 countries: Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, St. Lucia, Guatemala, St. Kitts and Nevis and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
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