Friday, March 12, 2010

VIDEO:Haiti in the Media - Compassion vs. Showboating

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"(Global Pulse: January 29, 2010) Despite the epic nature of the disaster in Haiti, this overview of worldwide news coverage of the earthquake reveals that media still found time to commend their nation's rescuers, promote their own star journalists, and even get in some digs at the U.S. While the coverage raised awareness and donations for devastated Haiti, these clips from media around the world show a fine line between compassion and self-promotion while thousands go without food or shelter. This episode also includes an interview with The New Republic's Senior Editor Noam Scheiber.SOURCES: KBS, South Korea; Al Jazeera English, Qatar; RT, Russia; TV5, France; CNN, U.S.; CBS, U.S.; ABC, U.S.; FOX, U.S.; The New Republic, U.S.; Health News Review, U.S."

Source: IjitDunn

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