Wednesday, January 20, 2010

VIDEO:Haitian NFL Player Dumervil Pleads For Help For Haiti

Elvis Dumervil on the devastating earthquake in Haiti.
[flv: 480 360]

Denver Broncos linebacker Elvis Dumervil needs your help in efforts to aid Haiti after yesterdays massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake. Dumervil is of Haitian descent himself and told ESPN’s Sports Center this morning that he has 40-50 family members still in Haiti that his mother has been trying to make contact with.

“A lot of people are in panic mode. It’s a very sad situation. I’m really encouraging people to help,” Dumervil said. “It’s a tough time right now. It’s a major tragedy. I just really need help. Trying to help the poeple in Haiti, it’s a very unfortunate situation.”

People can visit to help donate whatever they can in this difficult time.

Today on his twitter account, Dumervil also detailed options people have to text message their donation through their phone providers.

Via @EKD92

I want to encourage everyone to help the people of Haiti. Visit or text the word “yele” 501501 to automatically donate $5.00

The capital city of Port-au-Prince was leveled by the earthquake and damage to shipping docks and the rest of the country is making it hard for shipments to get into the small Caribbean country.

“At night, there’s no electricity,” he said. “A lot of dead bodies on the pavement, on the ground. Those bodies may be there for months. It was already struggling. It’s really a time for desperate need.”

Source: ESPN

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