Friday, January 15, 2010

VIDEO:Americans Crowd Haitian Airport Trying to Get Out *Updated 1.15.10*

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Haiti's airport is swamped by supply planes coming in and crowds of people trying to get out. Jason Carroll reports.

The Associated Press

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- One hundred and sixty U.S. citizens are desperately waving their passports in the air in a chaotic scene at the airport of Haiti's devastated capital.

U.S. soldiers are sorting the Americans for evacuation, pulling Canadian, French and other citizens from the crowd.

Muriel Sinai, a 38-year-old nurse from Orlando, Florida, says she's been at the airport without food or water since Wednesday - "We've had people crying, people passing out."

Beatrice Aristide, holding her 19-month-old daughter Stephanie in her arms, adds: "I don't know how much longer we can stand."

People without citizenship are angry. Says Vladimir Lexus, a 23-year-old musician who lives in Miami: "I can't believe this!"

Source: WashingtonPost - CNN

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