Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jean Métellus dies at 76

Haitian poet Jean Metellus, born April 30, 1937 in Jacmel, Haiti, died Saturday, Jan. 4 at his home in evening Bonneuil sur Marne (94) Has it learned writer Suzanne Dracius he was close .
Emigrated in 1959 in France at the time of the Duvalier dictatorship, then he studied medicine and began writing. Recognized by authors such as Maurice Nadeau, André Malraux or Aimé Césaire, Jean Metellus has excelled in his first art, poetry. It is now listed in the anthology of French poetry of the twentieth century, his poems were translated into Italian, Spanish and cited by some rap groups. It is also a novelist, playwright and essayist.

Professionally, Jean Metellus was neurologist specializing in language disorders. In addition to his daily work as a doctor, he has gradually established an important work. From 1998, the Robert dictionary of proper names refers to the Haitian writer. In 2010, he was awarded the Grand Prix de la Francophonie of the French Academy.

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