Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Haiti remembers victims of big quake 4 years ago

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti— Haitians paused Sunday to remember the tens of thousands of people who died in a catastrophic earthquake four years ago, holding somber low-key commemorations on a national day of reflection.

President Michel Martelly and first lady Sophia Martelly placed a bouquet of white flowers at a potter’s field north of the capital of Port-au-Prince that is being turned into an official memorial for those killed.

The pair observed a minute of silence facing a plaque placed at a large piece of rubble, with the inscription: “Jan. 12, 2010. We will never forget you.”

Martelly said much had been accomplished since the disaster.

“Four years later, I think we have moved forward tremendously,” Martelly told The Associated Press, noting a decline in the number of people still without housing, the number of hotels being built and regular visits from foreign leaders. “Of course, a lot remains to be done.”

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