Tuesday, December 24, 2013

INTERVIEW: Florine Demosthène talks 1st BIAC Martinique on Uprising Art

This is the first edition of the BIAC in Martinique, FWI. What is the importance of such an event?

This biennale is significant in that it show cases the vast array of art practices throughout the Caribbean region and it also highlights artists in the diaspora.

The theme of the International Pavilion is Otherwise Black, how do your artworks interact with it? You present four paintings from The Capture Series.

The chosen works are part of the “Capture Series” where I delve into the subconscious mind of a fictitious black heroine and the ephemeral quality of her thoughts and experiences. It is an attempt to structure a new mythology that explores black female sexuality and sensuality.

Is the representation of Black women bodies still at the core of your practice or have you headed your investigations towards new issues?

The black female body is the foundation of my art practice. I am intrigued in how the body is represented, dissected and misappropriated in all forms of media.

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