Saturday, May 15, 2010

DOCUMENTARY:When The Rain Starts Falling (Preview)

By Jace Freeman
[flv: 480 360]
I am an independent filmmaker that has already recently created and completed "When The Ground Stopped Shaking" a short film in Haiti. I would like funding to create a another follow-up short documentary about the current living situations in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Our tentative title for the film will be, "When The Rain Starts Falling".

This time, audio wizard, Sean Clark, and I will delve deep into the lives of several orphans as they try to navigate their ruined streets and devastated lives. And to add insult to injury, the rainy season is bringing hurricanes and disease to the unsheltered, unprotected children.

There are currently over 1,000,000 people still homeless from the earthquake.
There are currently over 380,000 orphans in Haiti according to UNICEF.
There are 300,000 children legally being worked as slaves.

This needs to be documented and the story of the Haitian children needs to be heard.

Our production will last for two weeks in the late spring during the rainy season. Here is a breakdown of the needs you will be funding:

Plane Tickets: $1230
Camera: $980
Haitian Translators: $500
Gas/Truck Rental in Haiti: $400
External HD's: $300
Sound Equipment: $300
Rain Gear: $200
Shots/Medication: $100

Click HERE to fund project

Any funding over our specified amount will go to help pay for post-production needs and other production costs that we haven't listed.

My other film about relief efforts in Haiti, "When The Ground Stopped Shaking" can be seen in its entirety on and at

Kickstarter Video Credits:
Photography - Erin Murphy
Music - Champion and His Burning Flame


Source: KickStarter

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