(BRUSSELS) - The European Commission launched Friday "fast-track" aid action for Haiti, after the storm-hit Caribbean island appealed for international help.
"The European Commission has today launched a fast-track funding decision for two million euros to provide relief for victims of Tropical Storm Hanna in Haiti," the EU's executive arm said in a statement.
At least 136 people have been killed by Tropical Storm Hanna, which hit Haiti just eight days after Hurricane Gustav caused some 77 deaths.
The worst-hit city is Gonaives, which was flooded after being hit by Hanna on Monday and Tuesday, leaving some 250,000 people affected. Haiti's Senate voted late Thursday to declare a state of emergency in the city.
"We have reports of tens of thousands people who need the most basic help. Their situation is desperate and we must get relief to them as fast as possible," EU Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Louis Michel said.
The aid -- which will be used to provide food, clean water, shelter and medical care to those worst hit -- is in addition to the two million euros (2.8 million dollars) in help the commission earmarked for Gustav victims on Monday.
Source: EuBusiness.Com
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