Monday, December 16, 2013

Ecuador formally delivered to Haiti works developed in the Midwest

L'Artobonite (Haiti), Dec 14 (Reuters) - Ecuadorian government formally gave Haiti construction developed in the province of L'Artobonite (Midwest), in a ceremony attended by civilian and military authorities the two countries today who undertook back to Quito.

In the framework of international cooperation, "South-South" and under the coordination of the Ministry of Defense, Ecuador has conducted four missions in cooperation aid which involved officers, volunteers and public employees of the three branches of the Forces Ecuadorian Armed with a total of 330 people.

The first mission began its work months after the earthquake in January 2010, the fourth and final mission, Marhec 4 (Mission Support Haiti Reconstruction with Ecuador) concluded this weekend homework.

During the event, developed in SEGURE School, one of the beneficiaries of the recreation centers, the ambassador of Ecuador in Dominican Republic, Carlos Lopez Damm, highlighted the impact of the intervention developed by the Army Corps of Engineers, the scope of benefits more than 150,000 people in the sector.

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